Friday, February 1, 2019

A Picture Tells A Thousand Stories

In the last couple weeks there has been a lot of work going on in and around the barn & arena. An excavator was rented, 3-4 foot deep ditches were dug, pipes and rocks wrapped inside fabric & all buried again under sand. I walked around out there today & its muddy, as to be expected, but its a lot less watery. The French drains are working very well.

One of the drains attaches to the down spout from the arena gutters and there is a little water coming down but more is trapped above due to leaves in the gutters. We have a leaf guard on the stall side of the barn & its working great so next summer we will have to do the arena side.

Anyway, this photo is the barn after lots of cold, wet weather, when Lan had to drive the tractor through the barn to avoid more mud. I'd also had a hay explosion. Its much cleaner now but most of the tire tacks are still there. I'm slowly sweeping those back into the arena as they dry.

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