Thursday, November 2, 2017

So Much Going On

We will be leaving for vacation in a few days, going to be gone a week or two, not exactly sure. We're not even sure how we're going to get there but we DO know we're going to Las Vegas.

I farmed out the horses and made arrangements for the chickens to be let out each morning and locked in for the evenings. I'm concerned for the hen and chicks that are in the barn now, I don't want to inprison her for the duration but she can't get her chicks into the trough at night and I'm sure if I left feed out for her the rats or other vermin would get to it. Might need to farm her out also.

We have48 hours to get to Vegas and might head down through Bend, Oregon. On the way home we'll have up to 5 days, might come up through Idaho. These are the best vacations, not much plans so no worries.

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