Friday, October 28, 2016

Great Days

This fall has been great; beautiful weather, perfect job, happy horses and busy life.
Even though this October has had the 3rd highest amount of rain in recorded rain history, it hasn't been awful. We did spent 2 weeks in Hawaii and missed a lot of it.
 My job has moved to Southworth and that is different. My hours for the winter at 8pm-2am, there are only 4 boats and I only have to do 3.5 of them. The outgoing traffic attendant lands the first one and I load & send it out. Except Saturdays, Mark is pretty fucking lazy.
Usually the boats are a couple minutes late so they literally land, unload, reload and leave. I don't have to spent tons of time standing around waiting for cars that might get there in time to sail. Its a 2 destination dock so getting used to that has been fun but I've gotten it down. If I make a mistake its not hard to fix, its not rocket science.

Yes, there is mud but we've got most of it under control. The horses have a covered area to escape the nasty stuff and there is the arena for working them. Plus, if I need to haul in I can just call Karen and she's always up for more horsey time.
I took Sunshower and Wifi out to Amy's barn the other day and bathed both of them & now have their tails wrapped, hopefully those last a while. Today in the mail I got a new polar fleece cooler for Wifi, its pretty dang nice and was less than $30 for the blanket, 2 de-wormers and shipping. The blanket is a pretty raspberry color, has 2 heavy duty Velcro straps in front, one belly band and leg straps.
I'll be taking one of my mares over to Karens to be ridden this winter, probably haul over Tuesday, ride, leave her there and go back on Thursday, ride & bring her home. That way, Karen and I can play and ride too.
I always try to keep track of the 1st frost of the season so I can worm the horses 30 days later and while in Hawaii Julia said it was frosty but Karen said it was only a bit on the tops of gates and it hasn't been cold or below 40 since then so I'm not counting that as the 1st frost. I have to wormers, now just waiting. Last year the 30th day was December 11th.
I've been doing some house cleaning and getting rid of shit. Today the bi-fold doors in the bathroom were removed and given away. Yesterday the green folding chairs were given away along with a curtain rod. I have SO MUCH MORE junk to get rid of. Its not all junk, if it were then other people wouldn't be wanting it either. I have a lot more stuff to go through and a lot of its junk. I don't know why I feel like I need to save so much crap. I don't want Brandan and R2 to have to go through it all when  I die.

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