Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tacoma City Half Marathon

Well that's done.

The run itself went well, being a training run for me I was good until about 10 miles and then it was more walk than run. The weather was in the mid 70s by the finish and it was along the waterfront so an absolutely beautiful day.

I ran and walked with Kim for a while, then a Marine doing the full with a 50 lb pack on his back.

My finish time was 2:46:00 and I'm ok with that.

 This is the third time I've run the TCM half and this time it almost didn't happen. They moved the start to Gig Harbor airport and didn't make that clear in their email so we went to Tacoma to ride the shuttles and missed the last one. Then none of the volunteers knew where the start was at. Ugh! But we found it and got there about 10 minutes before the start and I was happy once again.

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