Friday, September 18, 2015

58 Days To Go

There are only 58 days until Ironman Arizona. I got in a good 2:28 bike ride today, completed one loop of the IMAZ bike course on the computrainer. it kicked my ass. But I did it in good time. But I won't be able to do that fast two times in a row and I will need to do 3 loops come race day.
I also took one of the borrowed wetsuits to the lake and tried it ut, its too big. Arms too long, just big all over. Rinsed out, drying in the shower. I'll have to get out to the lake in the next 2 days to try the other one.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to run and ride. I'm so far behind in my training, it just sad. I have a full week of work coming up too, Tuesday I'll be working 4:15am -6:15pm. Too stinking long. Tomorrow its just 10 hours, I might have time to run afterward.

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