Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Harstine Island Half Marathon

Last Saturday I participated in and finished the Harstine Island Half Marathon in Shelton. Its a local race, there were 88 people who signed up and started and 86 finished. There were 63 females, 13 in the 50-59 age group (they didn't do age groups, I am just using them to compare against me) and I finished 4th our of the 13. My time was 2:35 their time, 2:31 my time. (I didn't count the time to run all the way to the restroom, it was 1/4 mile off the run route). It was also very hilly, 941 feet of elevation gain, most of it at the beginning. Mile 8 was my fastest and it was flattest. There was no one I knew running with me.

I am happy with the results and if they offered it again next year I would do it.
It starts right at the tip of this arrow

and Lan sleeps

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Work Hours Suck

I had a really crappy work week, not the work itself, but the hours. I had two midnight - 9am shifts and those KILL me so I didn't do anything for those two days and today I had so many things to do to catch up; cleaning the barn, moving hay over there, washing clothes, showering, and more. I got some things done before work today and I haven't done anything since I got home.

Today it was 1-6pm so relatively easy. I could have gone for a ride once I got home but chose to stay home. I'm going to be riding with Linda tomorrow, shes got to go 25 miles so I'll ride over there and then go wherever she wants to go. Shes wanting hills. I need to go farther so riding to & from her house will give me an additional 20 miles.

I don't think Im going to go to the BRick Saturday since its supposed to be hot and I need to run long so I might just run in the morning instead.

Horse News:
The fence around the front pasture at the new farm is almost finished. I'll be putting electric fence tape around the top of it and Lan will be adding a gate or two and then it will be ready.