Wednesday, December 17, 2014


After delay upon delay, the new farm is finally ours.

I've been over many times in the last 2 weeks, supposedly 'cleaning' but not 'moving in', meanwhile, I have moved in quite a bit of stuff. Today at 12:30 I got the email, it FINALLY recorded and its ours. I met with the realtor and she gave us a bottle of wine and some flowers, which I took over when I took my next load of boxes.
Then Amy came over and we shared wine and crackers and sausage, I was starved.
I put lights 5 strands, on the tree, which I had set up yesterday when the house wasn't ours, and later when Lan got off work I put the ornaments on it. I realized I have zero generic ornaments, all of them have been gifts, were bought for our trees by me or were made by my sons when they were kids. I paid $25 for the tree right after Christmas 1998 and its still in very good condition.
The mantle is going to be a nice feature, can't wait to hang stockings from it. This year the angel that should be atop the tree is on the mantle and I want a star for the tree. I can't afford one so I'll get a nice one after the holiday when everything Christmas is on sale.

I haven't been out to the barn or arena all week, guess I better start getting that ready for the horses. We are going to have to move the entire tack room shed over there on the flatbed and I do not think that's going to be an easy feat.
I am excited that now our runs and bike rides will begin and end on flat road so we'll get decent warm ups. I'll have to take a paint can out and make measurements on the roads in both directions so I know how far to run. I'll miss our perfect 3.1/5k from this farm.

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