Monday, September 22, 2014

Just Mine

For the first time in a very long time I have just my own horses in the barn. All the boarders have moved on and now it will be quiet.
I'm going to reconfigure the pastures and try to make them into the PARROCK PARADISE I had wanted when we first moved in. That should be good for the horses.
Here are a few pictures I found online of other properties.

I had originally heard of this when I lived at the pony farm, Merry wanted to do this with the ponies and she did do a little for her mare but she never completed it.
After we moved in and started fixing fences, Kitsap County Conservation District sent a woman to do a farm plan and she told me I couldn't cut down any trees and I couldn't build another fence within 50 feet of the property borders. Which was a crock of shit because other people at the conservation district told me I COULD do both. Too bad their own people cant get shit straight.
In fact, one of the workers herself uses paddock paradise for her own horses and shes got fences 12 feet inside her property line.

I think all my horses would be able to get along fine if I had this for them and if they didn't (Joey can be a big old meany) then I'd add a couple gates to separate them.

I wish I had at least 10 or 20 acres to do this with.

My horses would have this destroyed in no time!
I'd just have to use a rail road tie for my hay bags.
This is my farm, or the barn and horse areas. I could make any changes I want, including making the arena smaller or taking out current fencing.

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