Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good News

Yesterday I received some really good news: I'll be working at the Bremerton Ferry Dock starting September 23rd, all the way until June 23rd, 2013. Coincidence? I think not.

I thought about it long and hard and kept coming up with the same answer to my question of if I should change docks or not: YES.

I'll have more time to workout because I am now low man on the totem pole of seniority and with the shortened fall/winter/spring sailing schedule there will be less hours available.

At Fauntleroy I had 4 people below me and I would be working almost 40 hours all winter. I can go back next summer if I want... IF.

I should be able to get to the gym or get an outdoor workout almost any day too because the dock is only about 4 miles away from the Bremerton YMCA. How convenient is that?? VERY. I'll catch the Masters swimming lessons so much easier.

This last week I once again didn't have enough time to workout much but I did get out to the lake once and this morning I did a spin class. Torrey is no longer going to lead them at the Gig Harbor Y, Dana will do them and shes a freak. Shes OK for Pilate's because she makes sure you've got good correct form but shes no good on the bikes.

This weekend I've got the Black Diamond Olympic tri in Enumclaw, did it last year in 3:39:55 and I hope to hell I can beat that time this year, even if its just by 5 seconds.

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