Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things will be different this time around

How is training going? Good so far.

I'm getting back into the swing of things, gearing up for an intense 10 months of hard training. My nutrition will be more structured, my training is going to have more aspects to it and I'll FOLLOW THROUGH.

I'm going to purchase and use Hammer Nutrition products. I've got some information from them and have spoken to actual athletes who use them and I like what I'm hearing. I'll start using gels and LIKE them. I'll learn what, how much and how often to feed my body during workouts. I'll keep track in writing of this information so I'm not just winging it.

I'll TRY to quit eating all the crap, or at least most of it. I'd like to lose some weight but a little of that will happen as I progress and I'm not at a bad weight anyway. I'm planning on having some nice muscles at the end of this and for that I'll be doing some weight lifting so I could end up heavier. Who knows at this point.

And if I say I'm going to do a workout I'm GOING TO DO IT. No more plans being broadcast all over town & then me changing things up to make it easier on myself.

Now if I could just figure out this website; its being all goofy and difficult with me.

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