Saturday, July 1, 2023

Summer Fun

The greenhouse is built and there are a few plants in it.
There is 1 bell pepper plant
there are 11 sweet peppers
and there are about 10 pot plants

Outside the greenhouse there is a raised bed full of potato plants
There is a bed with a few volunteer tomatoes
and there is a bed with more volunteer tomatoes and basil, chives, a different pepper and something else

We went for a drive up to Mt Rainier yesterday and that was NICE. Took the car out to Enumclaw to pick up some tools for his work and then out Hwy 165 to Evans Creek. The road to Mowich Lake is closed and thats a bummer.

Wifi had gotten way too fat so I put her on a diet. Shes lost about 200 lbs and looks good but shes still very lame and it might be Navicular. Shes in the round pen 90% of the time they're in pasture and I'm feeding her grass hay. Joey & Amble are on the grass and get alfalfa at night in the barn.
This photo was from February.


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