Monday, February 7, 2022

Ambleside & the Boys

Ambleside is 7.5 months old now

Her mane has grown 2 inches in length

Her tail is about 4 inches longer

Shes still butt high

Still has beautiful blue eyes

Joey will be 26 in April. He's been wearing a medium weight blanket all winter because he kept rolling in mud and I couldn't keep him clean, then on the coldest nights his hair was unable to fluff up & keep him warm. He's not happy with it on but hes not skinny without it.
He is definitely aging, you can see that hes lost muscle and mass but he doesn't look bad at all. 

Mack is 22 this year, Hes lost a little but not nearly as noticeable as Joeys changes this year. 
The chickens have finally started laying eggs again and this is a gray one. I've never had a gray egg before and its appaloosa spotty. 

For the last 2 months I've been feeding Amble more grain and she's getting alfalfa in with her grass hay, enough hay that she never runs out. 
Beet pulp = 1 lb
Alfalfa pellets = 2 lbs
Mare & Foal / Senior grain = 2 lbs
Probiotic = 1 tiny scoop
NW Horse Supplement 1/2 a normal 'serving'
I soak all my horses grains so there i s less chance of them choaking
This is Gussy gobbling up her dinner while she stands in the back ground. 
She is the only one he can push around 


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