Sunday, August 22, 2021

We took a drive around Olympic National Park without entering the park at all.
Started at Ocean City beach

Then we went to Ruby Beach. There were lots of people here

There were lots of houses built from beach driftwood

And lots of these rock piles

Also stopped to see the giant Cedar Trees, very cool

While walking on one of the beaches I found a brand new GoPro camera
After we got home I got the photos off it & saw this guy.
Did a bit of sleuthing and found out his name is Noah, he lives in Utah, his uncle owns the bike shop in the town near where I found the camera.
He lost it Thursday, I found it Sunday about 5 miles away.
I mailed it to him in Utah. 

It was a good day for us, nice and sunny, not too warm nor too cool. 
It felt GREAT to walk barefoot on the beach in the sand


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Paid Off

I *think* Amble is the foal lying down below the sun

Shes playing with the other foals

I sent the final payment in the amount of $4,700 to the breeder and I'm hoping she receives it soon, it's been about 10 -14 days already. They're in Canada & the cost of a tracking number was $18-24 and who even knows if it would work internationally?

I think this is pretty cute

Got the CanAm back from the shop, they said its not even broke in yet so we need to ride it more. They did fix the banging in the rear end.

So we went up to Mount Rainier onto the Naches Trail.

This place was beautiful. It's along the Pacific Crest Trail 
so there were several Through Hikers resting there

Anyone can camp in this cabin. 
They had a sat phone people could use to call loved ones.

It would be a great place to rest overnight with horses

This was along part of the Naches Trail also

I think we should call it Pigpen, after the Peanuts character

You can't even begin to see how steep it was or how big some of the holes & rocks were

This was on the way back to the parking lot, we didn't go up this end on our way out, just down it. It had places that were SCARY. 

But so much fun