Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hay Loft

If you walk in to our barn and look up, this is what you see.

If you walk to the other end, climb the ladder and look, this is what you see.

If you go into the arena and look up, this is the view. We have about 8 tons of hay in the barn, with another 1.5 coming later.

I love that I can literally feed all the hay to the horses that I want to feed them & have NO FEAR of running out and having to get more. There is enough hay to last until Mid May and that's if I feed an entire bale every day between now & then.
But the horses aren't eating that much.

Last night something got & killed 2 of the quail so I opened the door & released them today. Two left, 1 male & 1 female. The lame quail stayed behind with the lame chicken. I'll keep them safe.

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