Thursday, October 25, 2018

I Rode

I rode, but only for a few minutes, on Mack. 

Then 3 days ago I got an injection in my foot, into the Plantar Fibroma.

In the 1st photo the bright white dot is the middle of it, all the darkness is the lump.

I was given a lidocaine shot to numb my foot, that went into the back of my ankle and it took about 4 minutes of him poking the needle around into the proper spots.
 I spent 12 minutes massaging the medicine into the area.

Here is a raw shot of the needle inside my foot. It began at a size 6.2mm in size, the previous biggest it got was 4.9mm. 

Here is an 'enhancement' of the same photo.

It was mostly numbed but once in a while he would hit a nerve & it would feel like my foot had a hot poker on the heel.

This part of the procedure lasted about 8-10 minutes.

Afterward I put on my boot and came home. I had to borrow crutches from Mora and she also gave me a Lidocaine gel patch. I cut it down to three 2"x3" pieces and put 1 onto the bottom on my foot. They last 12 hours. The 3rd is on now and I'm sure it has helped a LOT.
I used the crutches for 2 days, today is the 3rd day & I'm able to walk without them but still in the boot. 

All this foot lump tumor BULLSHIT has a name, I'll go into more detail at a later date.


I was too cheap to order harness pads for $10 online so I paid $30 and made my own.

At least I used a color I like.

I'll get photos of them actually ON Gus later.

Gary is coming out to trim horses tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A little Laugh

I ordered a new blanket for Gus online and it came yesterday, just before I had to leave for work and I didn't get off till midnight. Then today I had to work at 9am & was supposed to get off at 2pm but had to stay until 6pm.
Finally got the chance to go see how he looks in it & this is what I find..
The Freakin tail flap is sewn on crooked. 

Last week the big horses (Mack) pushed down the fence in the front pasture and left. They were out on the road, which is an extremely busy thoroughfare with a speed limit of 45, so everyone goes 60. Fuckers are lucky no one got hit & killed.
I got a call at work from my neighbor, 'hey, your horses are in the road'.
Luckily the neighborhood came together and got the assholes back in the arena.

This is what they knocked down.

This is where we cleared it out, removed all the old crap & put up new field fence.
Because of tree roots its not possible to put wooden fence up here, or we would.

There was about 200 feet replaced.

Worlds best ladder.

Stretching the new fence.

Front fence Sunday

What it looks like right now across the front along the road, with NO fence at all. We mowed all the weeds & bushes down & now I'm surprised how shallow the ditch is, it felt/looked really deep before.

From the road.

And because the horses were locked in the barn a bit longer than normal, I went outside to feed the next morning & Mack had redecorated. FUCKER. So he stayed in the arena every night now, I don't care if those boards get chewed, I DO care if the stall doors get chewed.

This was the 2nd time Lan & I came to the farm, we brought Tank over. He wasn't feeling well, not one bit well. He died a couple days later.

And here is Gus, learning to lunge. Two weeks ago he couldn't understand to even walk forward at the end of the rope.

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Good & The Bad

This is what Gus and I did yesterday. He didn't know what I was asking but he did OK in the end. 
I sure do love this little guy.

I absolutely LOVE this barn.

So when I see someone doing this shit, I decide that they will have the arena instead of a stall to spend their nights in.
He isn't even mine.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Gus, September to October 2018

Can you see differences in Gus in one month?

 Different things happening with him are:
He is out on pasture without his muzzle all day.
He is in his stall every night, with hay, senior grain & alfalfa pellets + raspberry leaves.
I've been lunging him 3 times each week with lots of trot to walk transitions.
He is getting groomed more often.
His winter coat is growing in.

I wonder what he will look like in another month?

I bought 2 new inner tubes for the cart.

And put padding on the arm rests. So far this thing seems ready to go.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hay Loft

If you walk in to our barn and look up, this is what you see.

If you walk to the other end, climb the ladder and look, this is what you see.

If you go into the arena and look up, this is the view. We have about 8 tons of hay in the barn, with another 1.5 coming later.

I love that I can literally feed all the hay to the horses that I want to feed them & have NO FEAR of running out and having to get more. There is enough hay to last until Mid May and that's if I feed an entire bale every day between now & then.
But the horses aren't eating that much.

Last night something got & killed 2 of the quail so I opened the door & released them today. Two left, 1 male & 1 female. The lame quail stayed behind with the lame chicken. I'll keep them safe.