Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Round Trip

Right after we started our long drive to Canada to pick up my stall mats I received a text about the train derailment in Dupont telling me I'm lucky to be heading north.
Yes, lucky indeed.
My heart breaks for everyone involved.

It took about 3 hours to drive up to Canada and find the place we were going, Karen was navigator and I drove the whole way. She did back the trailer into the loading yard. There location is on a island in the middle of the Fraser river.

The yellow roll on top is mine & is now in my trailer.

Here is a ton of stall mats.

We had all the paperwork to return to the states with it but Customs & Border Patrol decided we needed extra attention.
So we went and stood in line for a half hour & then spent 15 minutes explaining what they were & telling them this was indeed made in Canada. They wanted us to pay an extra tax.

After an extra hour we left with all our money in MY pocket, not the nations pocket, and we were on our way. This handsome guy agreed to let me take a selfie with him. I thanked him for keeping us safe.

It was a 13 hour drive R/T, I totally went off my diet and ate 2 huge BAD/delicious meals but it was still a lot of fun. The mats are still in the trailer as I write this since I got up at 3am to spend a couple minutes with Lan before he heads to work. He will unload it this afternoon and it will be stacked in the barn.

About the barn:
The roof is finished and he is ready to start installing stall fronts. After we have the first two in, I can start with outer walls and the divider. I had planned to put the soft stall mat in the first two stalls and have the divider wall come right down to it but Karen pointed out that a horse could still cram a hoof under it. So I'll plan on putting the divider boards in with a 12" spacer on the bottom. They can still nose each other but not get hurt that way, I hope.
I hope.

We will be using plywood on the inside outer walls and 2x10 or 2x12 boards as dividers between only the end stalls; for the wash rack it will have permanent walls.
I'll use white hardboard panel boards like this photo so its light & bright like my old barn had. I'm even going to paint the ceiling white.

I found this photo on the internet & really like it; its got so many things I like. Small shelf for cleaning items (except we will have an outside door on that back wall), overhead sprayer like I'm going to install, drain, bright lights. The cross ties are recessed so the horse can't step so far forward into the aisle. I might make the overhead shelf a little bit bigger to accommodate the small hot water heater. I need to be able to reach it easily with at least a broom handle as its got an on/off switch so it isn't on all the time, no use heating water I'm not using 24/7. 

This is another stall I like, its got an overhead heater installed. Ours will have a stall front so it can be used as a stall if needed so probably any shelving will be temporary.

I picked up one of these IKEA metal carts for the barn
and am currently using it for the Christmas wrapping supplies. Its sturdy and strong, might be perfect for holding soaps and wash stuff... horse hair, dirt, broken hose nozzles...
I should just plan on getting another one for in the house because I really like it.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Picking Up Stall Mats

It's going to be a long day

But totally worth it in the end

Its like going to another country

Tomorrow I'll be driving to Canada to pick up the Stall Mats I have purchased for Joey & Wifi. These are actually one single mat but will be used as two 12x12 stalls with the ability to make one 12x24 stall simply by removing the divider. My ponies will be sleeping in comfort.

Now that the entire roof has been replaced (I keep saying its a new barn but its just a fixer upper of the old barn) we will start installing the stall fronts. We aren't going to sand blast them & repaint because the process of sand blasting it too time consuming and difficult. Next summer I'll pressure wash, wire brush and repaint them.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Stocking Stuffers

I have a huge pile of gifts all wrapped with colorful paper, ribbons & bows. I had most of my shopping for main gifts finished before Thanksgiving but I've been having a great time finding stocking stuffers for everyone who will be here on the holiday. 
I've got a stocking for each person & hung them on a jute rope but they are all so heavy now that I'm going to need something much stronger. Today I found a couple CUTE R2 & BB-8 units, wrapped them right up for R2 & Sarah. Lan is getting a big box of shotgun shells (hope they are the right kind), Mom is getting a box of car cleaning supplies. 

Yesterday was my birthday and Lan made me a great surprise.
He cleaned up the light fixture that was in the barn,
put in new wiring
& an Edison light
and gave it to me. I almost cried. 

I DID get tears when Mike & Karen were here for dinner & he was shaking his leg, just like Denton used to do. 
I miss this guy.