Thursday, June 8, 2017

Global Running Day

On February 2nd I found out I had the tumor, which measured 4.9cm, in my foot.

May 3rd, the day I had the injection into it, it measured 5.9cm.

June 6th I went in, planning on a 2nd injection. When the Doctor ultra sounded my foot he took a long time doing it and discovered the tumor has shrunk down to 3.7cm, a full 40% smaller than last month.  We decided no injection today (YAY) and I'll go back in a month for follow up and we hope it continues to shrink.

 June 7th was Global Running Day and I celebrated by going out to the forest for a run, my first in about a year. I ran for about 25 minutes and went about 1.27 miles with very little pain or discomfort.

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