Lan hasn't been training for Ironman at all while we're replacing the floor in the house. There are a million little things he's got to do to be prepared for the wood and with his calf injured it's OK that he's not training and giving it a good long rest.
Yesterday Dave came by to help with the Trump Wall and ceiling repair. He made it look nice and professional, unlike the way I had it but I BUILT A WALL. Its not dry so I can't sand it yet or apply the texture, maybe tomorrow.
My own injury is irritating the hell out of me. It feels like my sock is folded over all the time and lately if feels like the sock is thinker and thicker. I've decided to go with injections, or, ONE injection, and see how it feels after that. If there is no significant improvement I'll schedule surgery in mid October. Then I'll have 2 weeks off, go back to the doc for stitch removal and checkup, then 2 weeks vacation in Arizona where I can laze around in the sunshine, walk on flat ground and ride pedal bikes on perfectly flat ground and if its OK, I'll swim in the 85* pool outdoor pools. I'll have a knee scooter for when Lan races and I'll put a race bib on it. Then if its healed well enough after my vaca I'll return to work, if not I'll still have 2 more weeks I can take off work.
In the barn there isn't a lot going on but we did find a cement guy who will do it extremely cheap. His dad owns a cement company so he's got all the stuff and all we have to pay for is the cement. All the forms and equipment will be free to use. I can't wait for the floors to be finished so we can begin the barn!!
I've got 6 chicks in the old water trough, all supposed to be hens. Julia and I are going to hatch a bunch more to sell at the small animal exchange next month.
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