Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hiking As Cross Training

I've been spending time hiking in the state and National parks. Last week Linda and I hiked up to Lena Lake and the Valley Of the Silent Men, about 9 miles and incredible. Moss on 600 year old trees and boulders covered in it.

Yesterday we hiked up the Carbon River and in to Green Lake. 13.1 miles, all UPHILL, both ways, in the snow, no shoes.... Ok, we had boots on. Forced to turn back when we ran into dozens and dozens of old growth trees fallen across the trail and no safe way over/under/around. We will go back later this summer, with bikes, and finish the hike up to Ipsut Lake and the Carbon Glacier, where we can stand with our feet on either side of the river. Can't wait.

The weather has been in the 80s for the last few days, unheard of in April in Washington. Meanwhile it's flooding in Texas.

I so wish I was able to add photos but am unable to with the iPad. Can't wait to get my PC up and running again.

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