Saturday, April 30, 2016

Midnight Ramblings

Once again I'm working the midnight to 4am shift and since its been a few weeks since I've had it, I've actually missed it a bit. Only a bit. I do like my sleep a lot more.

I've got the Taco a City Half Marathon coming up Sunday, been dreading it but realize it's coming no matter what. I looked at the calendar a couple days ago and found out its THIS WEEKEND, not another week away. Surprised me! Tomorrow is packet pickup and the race starts at 8am.

My half PR is 2:24 and for that course it's 2:28 so I hope to come in close to that time. I guess I should figure out my Garmin and set it up so I know my pace and plan on how fast I should go. Also, do I wear my old Browne down shoes or my brand new ones? Tough decision. I know, nothing new in race day.

I'm thinking that forn the Black Diamond half ironman race I might make it a duathlon and skip the swim. Not a final decision but if I don't have a wetsuit that fits then I won't be spending a lot of time in the lake. I'm ok with not swimming, I'd like to start out warm and dry for once.

Horse news: Sunshowers injury is healing so well, it's smaller than my little finger now.

She and Joey have both had a LOT of bug bites on them so I've been spraying them more. Wifi lets me do it, the others are turds but once I'm doing it every day they will come around. I can't believe the difference in the amounts of bugs from the old farm to the new one. Ugh, billions here.

The pigs are nearing slaughter weight, we have a date about 10 days from now. I wouldn't mind getting two more but Lan is dead set against it. He doesn't like to think about killing pets. I, on the Other hand, have made a huge effort to not make them in to pets. We shall see how the bacon tastes.

The azaleas are blooming and the front yard smells amazing. Next year they will be even more beautiful because I trimmed them quite a bit last year. This weekend I'll be digging up two of e regular small bushes and replacing them with a couple from alongside the fence. The beautiful gold one will look fabulous beside the porch. I'd like to replace the Hydrangea too, it just doesn't go well there but it IS big and oh so pretty.

I cleared out a lot of the blue bells and iris from the triangle garden, gave away a bush with small yellow flowers and two roses. I transplanted some of the iris and gave a million bluebells to friends. They will flourish and grow like crazy as long as they plant them. I left two roses and an azalea in the garden and they will be very pretty next year too, with all the new room to spread out.last year there was one single iris bloom,Mathis year there are about 6 and I hope to have a lot more next year. I need to dig them up and spread out the bulbs, I left a lot intact so the flowers wouldn't be messed up.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hiking As Cross Training

I've been spending time hiking in the state and National parks. Last week Linda and I hiked up to Lena Lake and the Valley Of the Silent Men, about 9 miles and incredible. Moss on 600 year old trees and boulders covered in it.

Yesterday we hiked up the Carbon River and in to Green Lake. 13.1 miles, all UPHILL, both ways, in the snow, no shoes.... Ok, we had boots on. Forced to turn back when we ran into dozens and dozens of old growth trees fallen across the trail and no safe way over/under/around. We will go back later this summer, with bikes, and finish the hike up to Ipsut Lake and the Carbon Glacier, where we can stand with our feet on either side of the river. Can't wait.

The weather has been in the 80s for the last few days, unheard of in April in Washington. Meanwhile it's flooding in Texas.

I so wish I was able to add photos but am unable to with the iPad. Can't wait to get my PC up and running again.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


I have too many hobbies; horses, triathlon, decorating the house, Little Red Camper... The list goes on and on. I want to ride the horses but rarely have time. I need to ride my bike but rarely do. I run a couple times each week.
But last night we pulled the Little Red Camper out of the garage and might, just might, go camping tonight. It could be a blast.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Great Bike Ride Today

I had a good time riding with Linda today.
We knew the weather would be perfect and we had planned on going at about noon so it would be warmer but I got scheduled to work at 2 so we left early. Planned on a 20 miler so went on Beach Drive up to Port Orchard Blvd and back. It took us too long because there were so many reasons to stop and take pictures, like with the double humper camel and on Waterman Dock. Plus we had to lower her seat a bit, that was when Steve passed us on the other road...
After the glorious ride we went for a 1.5 mile run, very slowly, just to get our first BRick of the season done.

41st Marine Corp Marathon

I've won the lottery into the 41st MCM, October 30 in Arlington, VA. Bucket list item!