Friday, October 31, 2014


Today we will have the inspection done on the new house and farm. Lan and I will be there to assist and pay the guy, its supposed to be about $359 but I'm wondering if its going to be more? While we're there I want to measure a couple rooms and take notes, take more photos.

Lan and I talked about selling this place ~vs~ renting and we have decided to definitely sell. Why? Because a guy I work with used to be a land lord and he'd save money for a new dishwasher & then the tenant would call saying the water heater was broke. He'd save for a new bike & the tenant called, they had let the pipes freeze in the barn/under the house/ whatever.

I do not want to be a slum lord nor be renter poor.

So I let Cassie know its for sale, for her we will go as low as $176,000, because I really want her to get this place. The house isn't much but the barn and arena are perfect for her needs.

Otherwise I have it advertised on FB for $200,000 and have a couple people interested. One chick was all uptight that I wouldn't show pictures of the inside of the house but I told her that any prospective buyers need to have a preapproval letter in hand and show it to me before I'll share my personal space. Actually the inside of the house is a dump and I don't want anyone to see that. I'm not totally stipid.  LOL, yes, I just typed that.

Lans parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary today, yay for them. We're all going out to dinner tomorrow in Olympia. For whatever reason Jean thinks no one can go out to dinner on a Friday night so I had to not only give up hours at work but give up sellers pay too. I'll only be getting about 20 hours. And its in Olympia, very convenient for Terrys REALTOR friend. He said we need to have her list it so she can make the commission. Um, excuse me, we don't need no stinking realtor but if we did I'd go with someone IN THIS FUCKING AREA. She lives in Centralia, about 75 miles from here, shes not going to be coming up here to do an open house or any of that shit so NO, thanks.
We have a horse property expert realtor in this area that I'm perfectly happy with so if need be, I'll go with her.

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