THIS was an awesome score.
Went to the local farm stores to check out prices on corral panels & they were way more in stores than their advertised prices online. Online they were about $179 but same things in stores $229+.
Went to Lowes & Home Depot to check out wood to build 40', 50' or 60', this is what I REALLY wanted but once its in the ground, its there to stay. Wood would cost about $2000 for a 60' with 4x6 posts & four 2x6x10 rails.
Advertised I was looking for corral panels on FaceBook and a local gal was selling hers.
Today we went & picked up five 12' & six 10' panels, they are heavy duty galvanized, in decent condition and I only paid $560 all together.
She was selling a bunch of other items as well, all her tack, an OLD 2 horse straight load trailer that's a POS for $300, etc. I picked up two 100 gallon Rubbermaid water troughs for $50 each.
Are you wondering why I need a round pen? Well, Wifi is FAT and shes got small hooves so I'm putting it up in the front pasture & she will go in there.
I need to get her some low sugar TEFF hay and she will get that & be on a diet and I hope I can get her down at least 200 lbs.
Amble needs a diet overhaul as well. Shes got Stringhalt, which is something that can be controlled with diet & conditioning. Backing in a straight line, walking hills straight. Her diet needs low sugar & carbs and I need to check her vitamins.
How did she get Stringhalt? I firmly believe it was because Mack ran into us last August. I'm glad he's gone, I loved him but he was mean as hell to everyone else.
Pasture bliss
Joey has been happy with just the girls but I'm sure he misses Mack
Last weekend we drove down to Oregon & picked up 4 brand new tires for the SxS, on the way we made a detour & got the pretty new halter for Amble. Brown leather with silver accents so if we show again she will have this. It has a matching leather with silver lead too.
The side by side, SxS, looks great with its new tires and we took it out today.
What fun!
It had 28" tires, these are 32s with bead lock rims. We now glide over the rocks and roots.
Lan had invited Mary & Grant to join us and I think they had as much fun as we did.
This guy was fun to watch rock crawl.
SO many people were out there today
The parking areas were all full and they were parking along the road.
The water level is down but we still managed to get wet, in this particular puddle we were underwater.
AND in more other news:
I am now the #3 on-call dock employee at Washington State Ferries!!
I no longer LOVE my job, I don't even really like it and I've been there going on 12 years.
There is a temporary bid open right now with a shift at Vashon 2:15pm-12:15am. If I could get that, I can feed horses in the mornings and Lan in the evenings and I'd have weekends off with him. We could both do more of the fun stuff that we like to do together, like todays ride. What I don't like about the shift is that I'd have to take the 12:15pm ferry to Vashon, a full 2 hours before my shift even starts and there is no other option. Getting off at 12:15am would be OK, I'd just have my shit all ready in my car and as soon as the Night Watch guy gets there I'd get on the boat to come home. Unless he's late. Or the boat decides to go to Fauntleroy instead. Or there's NO BOAT.

I live 19 minutes / 10 miles from Southworth dock & that's my home dock now. Right now if I work at Vashon or Fauntleroy I get paid Time & Mileage and that adds up quick. I worked 2 days at Fauntleroy last week, 1 hour drive to west Seattle in the mornings, rode the boat back to SW after I got off. I don't like being on-call, the hours suck and with the new rule that ALL state employees get 40 hours (yay big check) I HATE not being home, I hate working at 3:30 one day then 2-midnight the next, then 2 days later 3:45am. That bullshit is killing me. I AM the #1 oncall there so I do get the best available shifts.
I could bid back to Bremerton dock but with only 1 boat there its really boring with nothing to do and no place for extra people to hang out. Traffic people don't want us in their shack, plank people don't want us in their office and we can't be with the sellers. I'd be the #3 oncall there so would get 'guaranteed work' more often than not & mostly traffic, which pays less than selling.
I might need to bid permanent but then I'd have permanent set days off & a set schedule and not ever have to work other docks again.