Thursday, December 29, 2022

Gray Days

 The weather is gray & dreary, so I've been spending more time with the horses to lift my spirits.

Ambles mane grown fast 
but I'll have to figure out a way to keep Wifi from chewing it all off next summer

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Not Christmassy Here

These are some of our trees over the years

We have our tree up this year but no decorations on it, I'm just not in the mood.

Below was our hearth in the Tacoma house, absolutely beautiful.

This year there will be fewer gifts even though I've spent way more.

Maybe next year I'll go all out again.


Monday, December 12, 2022

October - November 2022 trip to Nevada

We took a trip with the sxs to Nevada to explore gold mines, only found a few to explore but we were out on the machine every day as much as we could. 

Saw so many sunrises and sunsets, most days we saw both.
Photo below was on the way home in a huge windstorm and dust flying. We were forced off the road at 5:30pm and by 10pm the wind was so hard that NO ONE was driving on the highway. After 1am it relented a bit and we began searing semis passing again. We stayed at the rest area till morning and continued on our way home.

Below is the Pony Express Trail, now a road but I touched it and we rode the sxs on it. BUCKET LIST.

I don't know what these are called but they were cool looking. We had to drive through some flooded area to get there. I have had a 20x30 print of one of these made that I'll have framed to gift to him for Christmas.

God I love this man.

This is a building in Pioche, Nevada. 

There was cell service on top of this hill out in the desert in the middle of nowhere

This place in in Pioche as well and we might buy it.

There is no one on earth I'd rather take a vacation with, he is just a perfect partner for me.
We literally took this photo so if we disappeared & died, they would find this photo & say 
'This is the last picture of them'; it was right after we had ridden about a half hour on switchbacks way up from the desert floor to the almost top of a mountain, just before we hiked up a half mile from the sxs to a mine, right at sunset