The days are flying by & I can't believe its only 26 days until we fly out of Seattle to London.
I went ahead and reserved the Renault Clio for France. It's totally gutless and slow and small. Its costing us $224.23 for the week.
Lan really wants to go see the Catacombs in Paris. Seems pretty morbid to me.
I was reading online & people are all its so cool & I'm like
There is nothing cool about all the 6 million dead people being removed from their graves being cool.
Some woman has a traveling to France FB page & she highly suggests that people go see the Catacombs & have her friend be your guide. He charges $100 for the tour. Or you can stand in line for a bit & purchase tickets with an audio guide for $38.
Back i n April I injured my shoulder at work. Went to doctor & was told just let it heal on its own, if its not better in a month come back. A month later I called to make another appointment but was told they didn't have an L&I doctor to see me so I had to wait. Finally got the appointment, she told me I'd need to see another doctor & they finally called to make the appointment but I was landing the boat & couldn't get it made. Then forogt to call back. Later that week I got a letter from there to call, then the next letter I opened was from L&I saying they had closed my case. PITA. I wrote, included letter from my doc that I needed another appointment. Low & behold, I got a call from L&I and they reopened my case. Today I've been able to set up an appointment for October 1st. I hope I can get help for the shoulder pain I've been experiencing while sleeping. It hurts no matter which side I lay on. I'm going to ask for an MRI.