Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Vaca is Coming

I have a lot of things to do to prepare for our trip. I've already packed & repacked, I've still got to do it more. I need to know what I'll be wearing on the plane & for sure what all I'll be taking.

Took this the other day.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019



He's been my one true teen heart throb my entire life 
and last night I was delighted to see him again, my third time, in concert.
Tacoma Dome, 
September 17, 2019
Seats 211 HH 5 & 6
(we were sitting straight across from the stage, a long way but it was perfect)


This street sign was outside, pretty cool.

Inside on the way to our seats

This one is pretty cool, Lan took it

Near the end

I absolutely LOVE the man

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Counting Down

The days are flying by & I can't believe its only 26 days until we fly out of Seattle to London.

I went ahead and reserved the Renault Clio for France. It's totally gutless and slow and small. Its costing us $224.23 for the week.

Lan really wants to go see the Catacombs in Paris. Seems pretty morbid to me. 

I was reading online & people are all its so cool & I'm like 

There is nothing cool about all the 6 million dead people being removed from their graves being cool.

Some woman has a traveling to France FB page & she highly suggests that people go see the Catacombs & have her friend be your guide. He charges $100 for the tour. Or you can stand in line for a bit & purchase tickets with an audio guide for $38.

Back i n April I injured my shoulder at work. Went to doctor & was told just let it heal on its own, if its not better in a month come back.  A month later I called to make another appointment but was told they didn't have an L&I doctor to see me so I had to wait. Finally got the appointment, she told me I'd need to see another doctor & they finally called to make the appointment but I was landing the boat & couldn't get it made. Then forogt to call back. Later that week I got a letter from there to call, then the next letter I opened was from L&I saying they had closed my case. PITA. I wrote, included letter from my doc that I needed another appointment. Low & behold, I got a call from L&I and they reopened my case. Today I've been able to set up an appointment for October 1st. I hope I can get help for the shoulder pain I've been experiencing while sleeping. It hurts no matter which side I lay on. I'm going to ask for an MRI.

Monday, September 9, 2019


In 27 days we'll be at the airport, 
waiting to catch our flight to England.