Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Another Trip To Idaho

We spent 5 days looking at 18 properties in Idaho & Montana and found this gem.
Besides the 2 stories you can see, theres also a basement.

We were looking to downsize but its bigger than the place we currently have.
Here is the garage.

From the road.
Property has 20 acres.

Wishing well & that odd shaped thing is an underground bunker.
I'll probably use it as a fruit cellar.

What I love.
Its a shared entryway with the neighbors and we haven't met them yet but one of their friends seemed like a great lady so we might just end up liking them a lot.

This is the barn. Its small & far from airtight but the inside can be reconfigured to hold Wifi & Joey.

The shop. Couldn't see inside but its large.

Another shed, hay storage?

Wrap around porch with the 2 long sides covered.

The garage has a food storage area built inside it.

We couldn't see inside the building on the right but theres a pipe with water coming out if it so we're thinking a spring. It drains into a half buried water trough that's under the lean too,

The fences are mostly all down around the 5 ish acre front pasture but I kow a guy who does beautiful fences. Most of the 20 acres goes out the back into the woods on the hill. Theres an old forest service? easement? road that winds around through the back. We need to find out if its got public access of what.

The electricity wasn't turned on so there were no lights & no water. When we go back for the inspection we'll take a genny & get all that up & running, at least for a bit.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Game Of Thrones

I wasn't always a fan
In fact, I resisted watching until I couldn't take the hounding Brandan gave me.
So we sat down & watched the first episode 
& we were hooked.
Binged watched all 8 seasons in 2 months.

Last night we went to a GOT 'tailgating' party so we got dressed up

I was an old Kaleesi

Lan was whoever.
But everyone there LOVED him!

I made dragon eggs

In horsey news:
I've let them out on the front pasture a couple times, in the mornings, 
for an hour & NO LONGER.

this morning I headed out to bring them to the back pasture (where their hay was put out) and Gussy ran from the back of the field to the front, where these guys are. He's got his muzzle on because with the grass coming in so well, he doesn't need to be eating it and foundering.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Travel Plans

I've purchased our airline tickets to go to England in October

Seattle to Gatwick

We'll ride the Underground 

To Kings Cross rail station

Get on the train

Ride from London to Newcastle

Where Michelle & Guy will pick us up & we'll head to their place in Gateshead