Saturday, July 28, 2018

Carbon River Glacier Hike

Biked 5 miles uphill on the mountain bikes from the Carbon Ranger Station to Ipsut Campground, tented it over night, hiked 5 miles uphill to the glacier. 
Hiked back down to camp, rode bikes back to car & rewarded ourselves for the 30,000 steps with burgers at the Wilkeson Saloon.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Halterless gus

Gus without his halter loose in the arena for the first time since April 4th.

He's got a handsome face.

Now that Shadow/Laddie is gone, Gus really loves to play with his treat ball.

Lan has the outside runs just about finished. The electric rope is up, tape along the tops but there needs to be a bit more rope inside.

This was as he was taking down the old wooden fence.

Another view

And with it getting cleaned up and mowed. The pile of sand is buckshot, it will be the top finish in the runs. We need another 6 trailer loads, about 36 tons.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Shadows New Life


The other day I spent 20 minutes chasing his little bugger in a very small round pen and 

It's a small area but he wasn't letting me get anywhere near him. Gus wasn't so hard, he let me catch him easily enough.

But Shadow was a little fucker so I gave him away.
Found him a nice knowledgeable lady in Poulsbo that's had a similar horse before. Shes going to gentle him & teach him to be a productive member of society.
His new name is 

LM (Little Man) Laddie
From the Lost Boys movie