So exciting to see the work progress so fast now.
Yesterday there were just studs up, today the siding/T1-11 is up.
Not only is it nailed but Liquid Nails was put on each board for additional strength.
Someday I'll put all these shots together and make a flip book.
Another feature, the outside slab so the horses can stand out there and not get rained on.
Notice the gutters. This is about halfway attached, the far end needs to be connected to the wall along the back side.
This is the view from the inside earlier today.
This was taken after dark. and the plywood is inside one of the stalls. We chose to use 3/4 inch plywood because we know horses can't kick through it.
These 1x2s are to hold the 2x10x12 divider wall boards in place.
We got 4 boards in, each needs to have a bit more than 1 inch cut off. The rubber mats are on the floor of the first stall and the plywood is on the walls.
I'm ready to install corner grain feeders but I was told I was jumping the gun.
I was able to pull out all the old nails that were in each stall front from the previous corner feeders at the old farm. They didn't have them under the feeder doors, but in the opposite corners which defeats the purpose of 'feeder doors' but it would certainly keep horses from breaking them when they want to bust through. Mine will look similar to this but neater.
This cute little 3 tier cart was only $25 at IKEA, its going to be perfect for holding all this grooming stuff in the wash stall. I ordered all new brushes, 3 more hay nets and a few more Christmas horse things, red quarter sheet and halter jungle bells.