Tuesday, February 28, 2017

No Wonder I Can't Run

I went to the doctor (Nurse) a couple weeks ago, since they wouldn't believe me that I needed to see a FOOT DOCTOR. She prescribed meds for the inflammation and sent me to the foot doctor. Not right away, you know, its got to take another few weeks. I finally get to see the podiatrist and he found a lump in my foot.

Plantar fibroma, a benign nodule that grows on the bottom of the foot. I have a single lump so he is sending me for an 'urgent' MRI, which is scheduled for 3 weeks out. I'm glad its not a regular one, geesh. Then he will probably want to do cortisone shots and when I get those I hope to hell they don't hurt like the dickens.

I just want to run again.

On a good note, Lan is turning 50 in 8 days so I'm taking him to Disneyland. I've purchased the flights, rental car, hotel & Disneyland tickets, now I'm counting down the days till we fly out.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Out Of The Mud Horse Show

SeaSpots Appaloosa Club had the first of 3 Out Of The Mud Horse Shows today at Stormy Acres. It was our first time at this venue so we were really hoping for a small turnout. There were about 10 riders, mostly all English and it was a good day, not too cold or windy. We worked out a few kinks and after getting this all figured out we're all excited for March.
We will blast the Kitsap horse world with show info and advertisements and we hope to have a large turnout next month. There is plenty of parking, lots of room for horses inside and outside the arena and just enough room in the aisle for spectators.
We made about $354 before expenses but after dividing certain costs, like insurance, we did all right. The club rented the facility outright so we paid them $150 for today. They made that plus had rented out some stalls for horses so it all came out good.

Mostly there were Friesians but there are 4 living at that stable. Tori took High Point English and won a $25 gift certificate to Olive Garden.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


I can't wait for the day I open the barn up for boarded horses, I've missed it. Here is what the new barn will look like, similar to these barns.
The lower barn was Ellies, now belongs to Jessica.

Lan & I looked at this farm but it needed a lot of work. The land was very wet and too much was unusable, wasted space. It couldn't even be used for dogs.
The house looked OK upstairs but the basement has a history of flooding. There wasn't adequate parking and the fences were incomplete so we would have more projects there than here.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Training is going OK

Lans Ironman training is going well. This week he is taking a break and getting a LOT of work done around the house; electrical right now, prepping for the wood floors.
For a month he was very serious about his training and now hes slacking off but that's OK, I built slacking time into his training plan. I'm very proud of his efforts and hes trying hard. His one downfall is pain in one calf so he can't run but hes been swimming and biking to his hearts content.

It seems like a lot now but the days will fly past and soon hes going to be thinking
'Shit man, where has all my training time gone? I'm not going to be ready!'
But I'll keep him on track as best I can.