We are STILL MOVING. Its been 8 years since our last move and that was with 1 horses that was boarded out & only stuff for one horse, a 1 car garage and a 916sf house. Now our house is bigger, I have a big barn and Lan has a big garage and he hasn't even touched the garage yet. Every day I take a load over and every day I feel a bit more over whelmed.
Today I borrowed corral panels
from my friend and made two temporary stalls for Sunshower and Wifi inside the arena. I'll put Joey in the big stall and call it good for a while. He will have access to a huge paddock & his stall is 12x24. The girls will be turned out into the front pasture.
One stall is 12x12 and the other is about 12x20, Wifi will have the bigger one.
I wanted to put the stalls into this corner but Lan left the mower there and I couldn't even begin to budge it but I can very easily move the stalls over there once its out of the way. I already had to move the wire fencing that Lan left sitting in the other corner and that wasn't fun. Heavy shit.
I ordered some stuff online for the barn: 6 bucket holders, 40 T post caps, and something else that I cant remember... had to go to the local store to purchase 3 corner feeders because they were more online.
I signed Wifi and me up for a 12 week challenge, 40 hours/30 rides. I haven't ridden her yet but hope to do just that once I get her moved to the other farm. This is still the first week and I spent an hour washing her tial & brushing it out, nothing else. I'll take 15 minutes for the walking we did today because she's been such a brat at turn out time.
I hope Joey doesn't freak out because he can't see the girls when I take him over there. I suppose I could turn him out with them since its a big pasture but only if I'm going to be there with them and can keep an eye on them. I'd hate for him to chase one of the girls into the fence or the road.
Hagen isn't doing very well now. She's missing Tank, her belly/tumor is getting bigger and she's getting more tired. I have her on 4 pain pills in the mornings and 3 at night with half a prednisone each evening. She stresses out when we take her to the new farm but she is getting used to being there and the other day Lan was working on the tractor out back and she was standing on the front porch waiting. I'm glad she didn't wander off, into the street. One thing I will miss about this farm is the entire perimiter fenced.
I bought a new to me Canon camera tonight, I hope it works well. paid $115 for it. We'll see. Now maybe I'll get 2 nice shots out of every 100.